Monday, February 2, 2009

All the President's Men, and an insult too

So the latest move of our 'great leader' in rewarding criminal activity is his new health secretary appointment - Tom Daschle. Apparently he somehow didn't notice that he owed $128,000 in back taxes. That Obama actually supports this guy shouldn't come as too big a surprise - his pick to run the IRS, Tim Geithner, owed what, $42,000 in back taxes which he (with obvious dishonesty) said he didn't know about either. Congress approved that criminal without much to-do (he was the best man for the job, they said). So I'm not holding out much hope that the 'grilling' awaiting Daschle will be any more severe than a slap on the wrist (if he even gets that). On the other hand, it is encouraging to know that if, heaven forbid, I did get involved in complicated and rather large scandal of not paying taxes for several, I might still have a bright future ahead in politics. All that's apprently required is to hold a press conference to announce your 'embarrassment', throw some token payments at the IRS, and say "let's move on, shall we?"

1 comment:

Heidi said...

tell us how you REALLY feel...