Thursday, November 29, 2012

Another interesting connection

I'm still going through my Craddock files (moving and being briefly hospitalized have set me back a little), but I found this interesting connection today that I had to share. While going through the newspaper articles that mention Edward and Grace (Craddock) Cote (and I have 52 of them!) I found one from the Montana Standard for 10 November 1957 that mentioned a party given for a lady retiring after working for the telephone company in Montana (no company name was given, so I'm guessing there was just one). Ed Cote presented the retiree an award on behalf of the company, and then everyone stayed after for a "social hour". Among those who attended the party were Mrs. Martha Basolo, and Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Basolo. B.J. Basolo was Batista J. Basolo, the son of Martha Basolo (and maybe an employee of the company with his mother?). He was married to Berta Talbott, sister of Lucy Talbott, who married Grace (Craddock) Cote's father Ernest in 1948! So Grace was at the party with the sister and brother-in-law of her father's second wife! Crazy, huh? I wonder if they sat at the same table?

UPDATE: I just found out that the woman honored at the dinner was Margaret (Basolo) Sprague, a sister of Batista Basolo. Curiouser and curiouser!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Craddocks

This is a photo of my great-great-grandmother, Philena (Beilstein) Craddock and my great-grandmother Edna (Craddock) Moore. Edna would have been less than a year old here. Isn't she cute?